Robots-For-All Raspberry Pi Development Image
Raspberry Pi systems are inexpensive development computers. However
as with all computers, they do need:
- Storage: 32 GB or larger microSD card or USB flash drive
- 5 Volt power supply
- Display or TV, can possibly share
- micro-HDMI to HDMI cable
- Keyboard
- Mouse
- An operating system, the Robots-For-All
development image
Linux Installation Instructions
On Linux, please use the following steps to download and install the
Robots-For-All development image onto a 32 GB or larger microSD card or
USB flash drive. The image will run on a Raspberry Pi
or 5
with 4 or 8 GB of RAM.
- Download development image:
cd ~/Downloads
- Use tar to expand the development image into an image file (.img):
tar -zxf pi-robot-dev-64-bits.img
- Use the Raspberry Pi Imager to copy the image to the microSD card or USB flash drive. The Raspberry Pi Imager can be downloaded from
- Select the Raspberry Pi system that you have: 4 or 5
- Choose “Use Custom” alway at the end of the OS list
- Select pi-robot-dev-64-bits.img from the Download directory
- Click on the “Open” button
- Select your storage device, USB flash drive or microSD card.
MacOS: You will need a USB adapter for the microSD card
- Click on the “Next” button
- For “Use OS Customisations”, click on the “NO” button